DSL Embedded :: DSL on an iPaq
As the title states, I would like to hear if it is at all possible to get DSL running on an iPaq, model # is as follows: RZ1710
I've had a look round, and it seems to be there is conflicting stories, some say yes, some say no....
So I saw the forums here and thought I might drop by and ask if anyone thinks its possible to run DSL Embedded on the afore mentioned iPaq
Any suggestions are most welcome
I don't think handhelds aren't powerful enough... to use this practically, but I'll post this anyways.
By dsl-embedded, you mean you have want to run it emulated under your current o/s?
Currently the package includes qemu for linux/win32 x86, although there may be a port to your o/s.
If you want to run it natively, DSL is only made for x86 compatible cpu's (32-bit, smp).
If you really want to compile for your cpu, you'd have to recompile everything.
See http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....;t=4245
Or http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....;t=3622
Your best chance of using alternate os's would be to check out a dedicated resource, such as http://www.handhelds.org
Well.......I want to look at replacing Windows Mobile on this iPaq with linux. is what I should have mentioned before =)
I know its gunna be a daunting task any which way I look, but it should be rewarding to see it running (if I can get it to work)
PDA's run in a "compiled" environment. You'll want to take a look at handhelds.org
However, you'll find your RX1710 is not supported yet.
I tried looking at handhelds.org
Looks like I might just have to either wait for someone to get linux going on it or upgrade my pda :P
Either way, its all good 
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