DSL Embedded :: Can't load .tar.gz files
I downloaded some myDSL tarball games and themes and I can't find them inorder to load them in DSL. I'm running DSL 3.0.1, straight off my hard drive by running the .bat file. Is there a special place in windows to put these files inorder to find them? Any help is greatly appreciated.
The default myDSL download location is /tmp.
I downloaded them on one computer and then transfered them to another under windows. it is in the same dir as the folder qemu, and KNOPPIX. Will it still be in /tmp?
/tmp is temporary afaik, mounted on ramdisk.
Since you transferred them, it won't matter anyways 
Well then how do I get them on the ramdisk??? or how do I use smbtree to see computernames and use smbclient? cause I tried using smbtree, but it asks for a password, and gives me nothing.
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