USB booting :: USB boot compatability list
I did a frugal install onto a SanDisk mini-cruzer 128MB, usingthe instructions in the "frugal strikes again!" HOWTO thread.
I am able to boot (and am posting now) from a ChyangFun
Ecube Model S969L, running the Award BIOS.
BIOS settings:
Boot from USB-ZIP
USB Keyboard Support Enabled
I can now share this box with my dear wife, who will be none the wiser 
hola, dunno which BIOS it is,
but i managed to install
damn small linux on
a LAKS clock with 64 MB RAM.
I am writing from the USB clock, it's damn small
inside here 
steps done:
- format USB clock with FAT (not FAT32)
- write CD with dsl-0.8.2.iso using Nero Burning ROM
- copying knoppix directory of CD to USB Laks clock
- creating a floppy with dd if=bootusb-0.8.img of=/dev/fd0
(you can try this on your clock using /dev/sda1, only
that your clock will transform into a 1.44 MB floppy disk 
- copying floppy content to USB
- downloading syslinux-2.11
- syslinux /dev/sda1 after unmounting /dev/sda1
with umount /dev/sda1 (both commands require superuser privileges)
btw visit our Open Source project at
GPU> a Gnutella Processing Unit
Works beatifully on a
Asus A7N8x-uay motherboard
-Phoneix Bios
-Had to set boot from usb-hdd
Using a Sandisk 256mb Secure Digital Card with a cheapo 2 dollar sd reader. Never worked with my 80 dollar panasonic sd reader (came with mp3 player)
The 2 dollar sd reader i got off ebay. its small and looks silver. For people with SD cards, i recommend that cheap one. its made in taiwan (cant find it on ebay anymore, but there are some pretty good cheap usb 2.0 ones for like 5 bux that i wanna try.)
USB Boot Parameters.
USB boot successful using the following:
Aiptek Pocket DV II 1.3 Megapixel camera VM-1L
128MB Compact Flash
Two partitions
sda1p1 = ~64MB
sda1p5 = ~64MB
Gigabyte GA-7N400Pro
Award Dual BIOS
USB Keyboard = ON
USB Mouse = ON
Boot Sequence:
AGP 8x Video
AMD 2800+ Barton
On boot up:
Most helpful:;t=1688
A good friend of mine in Nottingham said his Dimension 4600 boots DSL off USB fine, he just had to hit F2 at boot and select USB.
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