USB booting :: Apple-Mini-Mac
Thank you for your answers.
Although I have bought an Apple Mac Mini some days/weeks ago, I haven't done further investigations related to this question.
I have asked somebody from an Apple shop refering to the Mac Mini's Bios. I have got a reply with the following information: ( it is in german
Maybe I will try DSL someday on the Mac Mini.
Currently I have decided better to have a second ordinary computer where I will run DSL from.
Nevetheless I have to wait now for DSL 4.0 to get the full hardware support 
The Mac Mini is a nice small and stylish unit.
I like it very much.
But an notebook has the advantage, that it has a built in display in the cover which can be closed and therefore be dust protected. This is one item why I like an ordinary notebook more than an Apple Mac Mini.
original here.