USB booting :: Neo Magic Soundcard puts DSL on strike
Hey guys,
I just tried to install dsl on my hp omnibook but it always hangs on hardware detection when it comes to the soundcard. I had trouble before, installing linux, but usually it just installed without hanging up. I tried to deactivate the soundcard in bios, but it didn't help. Then I tried to boot with failsafe - that worked but then i just get the root promt and don't know what to do.
Any help? Please?
p.s. now i posted in the wrong section and don't know how to change it - should be in harddisk install
You could try booting with the "nosound" boot code and see if your sound card is causing the problem.
Muchas gracias, juanito! I tried the "dsl nosound" option but now it hangs at "Mouse is Generic Mouse (PS/2) at /dev/psaux"
That's the last line at the boot process, that I get... then it stops... 
Any clues?
hasta pronto,
Try "install failsafe"
Then you'll get an install menu...
Thanks curaga, but same problem:
at devices autoconfig:
"Mouse is Generic Mouse (PS/2) at /dev/psaux" is the last thing that gets written and then it hangs... 
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