USB booting :: v3.2 upgrade now reboots Dell on USB startup
I've been trying to get DSL on a 2 Gig USB flash drive and in the process of having some of the usual problems with anything over 1 Gig I tried manually partitioning the 2 Gig into about two 1 Gig partitions and put DSL 3.2 on sda1. I had many problems with that not booting so I tried doing a Pendrive upgrade (actually downgrade) to 3.0.1 and it boots fine. So I tried doing an Upgrade to 3.2 and it went okay but when I try booting now (same size partitions) it gets to the boot: startup and once I hit Enter (or dsl options) it looks like it is going to boot for a second and then causes the computer to Reboot by itself. Reboots everytime with 3.2 - on my Dell Dimension 3000. Is this a known problem? Any suggestions?
Well it seems I've solved the problem but I don't know yet why it was happening and the solution is odd. I downgraded and upgraded the pendrive a couple times. The last time I just file copied all my stuff from the older vesion the the pendrive doing so under Windows. Then upgraded again to v3.2 and this time it booted (this was after several up and down grades) with no problem and now I seem to have all my old stuff I had added available also. This is all on a roughly 985 Meg partition on a 2 Gig Sandisk U3 Titanium flash drive. The second partition is available from DSL but not from Windows XP. Good enough.... 
original here.