USB booting :: Booting from an iPod
Well just like i said in the title and description my question is: is it possible to boot DSL from an iPod?
And if i install/place DSL on my ipod/usb drive will there be erased any files? (or i must say will there be any changes on the actual flash drive? )

I'd probably make another partition to keep it contained, but it should work. Copying anything, installing, etc. , of course, will change the contents of your flash drive.
If you have a 'windows' ipod, you will already have a 2nd partition that's vfat though.
So it doesn't instals on the ''upper'' patition (the one you can see if you view it with windows ''explorer'')
Because i allready have more then 1 (and if its originaly 2 more then 2) partition: i got ipodlinux installed too...
Well, you'll need to run syslinux and that will modify the bootsector. Don't know if it does just that partition though. You could always backup your device, and restore it later though.
That vfat partition is probably the 2nd one as I stated in my previous post. The first/upper one contains the ipod firmware.
Hmmmm.... ok but because i dont know exactly what the iPL installer does with the partitions.... i think i am going to ask that on the iPL forum first
And here i ask the question:
What does this ''instaler'' do with the partitions
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