USB booting :: Size of Unzipped file
Good day all,
I have just tried to set up my usb key (64 meg) and it tells me that there is not enough space on the drive.
Sure enough - when I unzip the embedded dsl onto local drive it is over 100 megs.
I was under the impression that DSL would never be over 50 megs ( and thus should fit quite comfortably onto 64 megs)
Any suggestions?
Yeah, don't unzip.
You burn the iso and use the installer to install to the usb.
Well if he's doing the manual way, ie he can't burn or boot from cd, etc., then he could do it this way.
dsl-embedded comes with a blank ~60mb harddisk image for use with qemu. It's safe to delete. It's located in ..../qemu/harddisk . If you also don't plan on using qemu at all, you could also just delete that whole folder (and the extra scripts/text in the parent folder).
Thanks for the help 
I just saw the latest changes to the Wiki and now I can understand why this post occured. In the Wiki it is called "Installing to USB flash drive".
This is wrong. These instructions are already contained in the readme inside dsl-embedded. In the Wiki, at the minimum it should be "Making DSL/Qmeu bootable on USB flash" and mention of needing at least 128MB device. is not just DSL. It is Qemu + DSL + 60MB virtual hard disk. This Qemu DSL Embedded Environment fits nicely on a 128MB pendrive or above.
The native DSL install to USB pendrives are self contained in the DSL release and are available from the DSL menu Apps->Tools->Install to pendrive.
DSL works great on a 64MB pendrive. I am still using mine.
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