USB booting :: USB booting so near yet so far!
I have trawled the forums but no joy. 
I can get my laptop to boot USB OK and it gets to the point where it wants to read the DSL image and then goes into a kernel panic!
Lots of garbage but following lines might give someone in the know a clue:
Accessing DSL Linux at /dev/ No file /KNOPPIX/
FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:03
I love the idea of DSl and taking my PC everywhere on USB but now very frustrated trying to get it to go!
Please help!! 
Generalisations are always false 
Sounds like your filesystem is messed up... maybe a reformat/reinstall/repartition/etc is needed?
Mmmm... tried that.
Reformat USB stick.
Wininage to put the boot flopyusb.img on it
The daemon tools to copy 3.0.1 iso
Boot and select options failsafe dsl acpi=off
Same result!
Any clues 
I don't think the winimage way is endorsed...
I was just trying to help myself first by following the How To posted by Kronus in this forum.....?! 
Having read through that thread it seems other people have had exactly same error but no-one has replied with a solution!!!
I tried creating USB HDD from within DSL when booted from CD-ROM created from ISO but PC just says that device is not bootable when I do that 
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