USB booting :: Problems booting
Ive been trying to boot DSL on my Kingston DataTravler II ive followed the " Lexar 128MB USB " thread and all is good and it boots and goes through all the things below mentioned in the thread:
"(9) I select the Lexar option and see a black screen saying "syslinux 2.04 blah blah blah....."
10) Then I see a screen that says 'press enter to begin" so i hit enter and Walla! A bunch of pretty green, purple, and blue text springs forth, as well as a cute penguin )"
but after that i get a black screen ive waited for a minute and nothings happening.
Am i doing anything wrong cause i get no error messages during the proccess mentioned above?.
Have a look through the forums! 
Have your tried typing FAILSAFE at the first prompt you see (boot:)?
You can then see all the blurb going on and might get a clue why it is not working.
As far as I can tell PCI is the usual culprit. If so then try entering the following at the boot: prompt
and see if the gets you in.
If not try
FAILSAFE DSL ACPI=OFF and then see where else it falls over.....
Good luck! 
original here.