USB booting :: Frugal and installing packages
Hey, I'm new to being an active DSL user, and I am having trouble understanding the frugal install. Maybe I haven't read enough of the Wiki or help or forums, but I can't figure out how I can install 'feh' (an image viewer) to my frugal installation of DSL permanently.
I am trying to build a digital picture frame out of my old IBM TP 600, and DSL works beautifully on it. I also don't want the internal hard drive or CDROM constantly accessing to keep the noise down. So, my best option is a USB Pen Drive with a frugal install. I know that feh has a great slideshow function that I can use to display the pictures. After installing dsl-dpkg.dsl and apt-getting feh, it works perfectly, but when I reboot, both disappear and I can't load feh at startup like I want to. Does anyone have any ideas on how to permanently add feh to the system?
EDIT: Sorry, folks. I did some deeper searching (it does wonders). I'm part of the "I want it to stick" crowd, but I am also a part of the "I don't want a hard drive" crowd. Apparently those two crowds can't mix in a frugal install, so I guess I'm stuck. Moderator, delete me at will. 
you need to use the backup and restore function. read dillo that's the reason it pop's up at start.
I have question along these same lines. I see my problem is the frugal keyword. Could I remove the "frugal" from my boot commandline for embedded and still have it work and save my programs and extensions? And I also boot off a flash drive. If I remove frugal from that boot prompt what would happen? I guess my question is, would DSL run off my flashdrive after that and not overwrite my harddrive?
I used the backup/restore tool and it didn't seem to work to keep apps installed even after I used the FAQ's to modify the file to save /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /ramdisk/usr/bin, /ramdisk/usr/lib...
Oh, and as a new user I guess it's tradition that we gush over how great dsl is. So here goes:
Dsl is not small in it's expandability, not small in it's customizability, not small in the dedication of its creaters, and no small feat of genius. It's the small OS with big features, thanks.
The frugal bootline code just makes /cdrom mounted as read-write afaik.
I believe the way to use backup/restore is to save your configurations for the apps, not for saving the apps themselves! (You would end up having a huge backup file otherwise). You should use autoloading features of myDSL instead.
If you're referring to putting the .dsl files in the root directory that does work when booting off the flashdrive. However, that doesn't work when I load in qemu because / there is in the image and not the flash drive if I understand correctly. Anyway I could set up my flash drive install to act just like a regular linux install? I.E. It sees it as a harddrive and nothing special? No image saving just files on a disk? Please note that my tools for doing this is limited to a dsl-3.0.1.iso burned to a dvd and dsl-embedded along with my Windows XP and Ubuntu installations.
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