USB booting :: Netcard config gone after reboot
Hi there,
as always I am using DSL the first time and having some trouble keeping the netcard configuration data. If I setup my complete system do all nessesary steps, including the netcard setup DHCP, IP etc. and do as told in dillo to safe the configuration data for reboot, everything is keept but the netcard configuration data. After reboot I have to setup the netcard again.
Is there a possibility to configure the DSL basic setup to my preferred netcard status DCHP=NO and all the IP's to my IP`s for Gateway, net adresses and so on.
My installation is on an USB Stick HDD to Pendrive
Thanks in advance
in order to boot without dhcp, put in your boot line (in the grub of lilo bootloader; in my machine, it is at /mnt/hda1/boot/grub/menu.lst; you have to be root to edit the file (with beaver f.ex.)):
I always have the same problem with my wlan and didn't find a way by myself to save the network parameters.
I don't believe that I can save them because I have to set my wlan card in the dsl panel in order to give it the right path to the right network as well as to input the wep key.
So, I'm sorry, I can't help you much on that. You will probably find for more help in the already posted message in the forum.
Saving your static IP is explained in the Wiki.
Wireless GUI's each make a simple script in /opt for you to edit/add to /opt/
thanks to make us learning more!
PS: the path to the solution in the wiki is
Thanks a lot to both of you. It worked perfect.
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