USB booting :: floppy + write-protected USB-ZIP > boot fails
Strange Strange Strange Strange ..
again no replies 
Any programmer / Linux expert here,
who can tell, what the problem is?
- Did somebody test it, without having the same problem?
- Will new DSL versions don't have this problem?
- All hints for finding the reasons are welcome.
Hey Key,
OK. Try this. When booting from a floppy type (dsl usbwait) im guessing that either it is not enabling the device or more likely that when you boot drictly from the Write protected floppy it is actualy unlocking (somehow). My drive when it is "Write protected after running the Make USB-ZIP script will not boot untill i "Unlock" it somehow.
Try the locked direct boot on some other computers and try the Floppy again also.
Something is going on in either the drive or the bios. The kernel i dont think (that is my next guess) is the problem.
Another idea is to remake the floppy.
Thank you very much for your answer, tecker.
Unfortunately, "dsl usbwait" as boot parameter, when booting from floppy first, also doesn't help.
I have tried this on two different computers:
(1) IBM Thinkpad with Intel Pentium CPU
(2) Ordinary PC with AMD chipset and AMD CPU
No problem on ordinary PC (2) to boot from hardware-write-protected USB-pen (without using floppy-disk).
Problem on ordinary PC (2) and IBM Thinkpad (1) when first boot from floppy-disk and second boot from USB-pen. I'm depending on this solution on my IBM Thinkpad, as it can't boot directly from USB-pen.
BUT! If I have the USB-pen write enabled, it also boots fine with using a floppy-disk first.
What is the problem, booting first from floppy-disk and second from a write-proteced USB-pen? I don't understand 
I have also remade the floppy again, but without success.
Also notice that there is no problem when the USB-pen is write-enabled.
Hope that a programmer / Linux expert can help?
please ....
Today, I had the idea, that maybe a look to the file-dates could give an explanation for this strange behavior.
1) Write-protected USB-pen without using floppy disk:
When I boot from the write protected USB-pen, the whole file-system on this USB-pen has files with original file-dates.
No surprise, as the USB-pen was write-protected (with hardware-switch), therefore no changes.
2)a) Write-protected USB-pen with using floppy disk:
When I boot from the floppy-disk first and from the write-protected USB-pen second, it doesn't make sense as the system chrashes with an error code (see previous messages).
2)b) Write-enabled USB-pen with using floppy disk:
When I boot from the floppy-disk first and from the write-enabled USB-pen second, everything works fine.
Afterwards, I have checked the file-dates in mnt/sda2, where the backup-file and the opera-uci-files are stored. No changes on the file-dates. These file-dates have older dates.
But when I look to the mnt - directory, where you see all the drives: sda1, sda2, .. I saw on these 1024 byte "files" that they had the actual date. Therefore I think that there has been an access to them during boot. But what is written there and why is it only when booting from a floppy-disk before?
What a pity that there are soooo few replies.
Booting first from a floppy-disk and second from a CD should have the same effekt. Maybe you can try this?
Hope somebody can help and explain what the reason for this strange behavior is.
Thank you very much in advance.
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