USB booting :: USB stick installation howto
Is there a newbie howto for installing dsl to a usb drive?
Where you start is the key. If you boot the liveCD, then go to the Tools menu, you will find install to pendrive and a couple of choices. Try USB HDD, if your system supports it (that's also part of the key - know if your BIOS will support it...) Then click on that and follow the instructions.
A quick "follow up" question , hope some DSL guru might see what i'm doing wrong here ..
I have fetched the DSL "embedded" and I'm booting this on a WindowsXP pro.
Everything works fine. But...
I really only wants to be able to install it to my USB stick, but have now given up 
Do I HAVE to use a LiveCD to be able to use the desktop menu and install to my USB stick.
It keeps complaining that /dev/sda useless.
I tried changing the dsl-windows.bat parameter "nousb" to "usb", and remove it entirely - guessing that this might be needed to use USB inside embedded DSL.
Nothing helps.
Now this is a total newbie question - but if my USB is not the suggested "sda" then how do I figure out what it is called?
- And what magic do I need to do, if I just want to use "embedded" to boot, and then create my USB boot HDD stick ??
Instead of /dev/sda try /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2
original here.