USB booting :: Troubles Installing to a Corsair 1 GB pen drive
Alright all here is my woes with DSL. I followed some directions on here about how to install to a pen drive and finding the usb.x.x.x.img and then putting that on my pen drive mounting the dsl2.2.iso into dameon tools and copying the folders and it should work. Well it doesnt. I dont know what im doing wrong as to cause it to not to work. I am trying this at the school and it is set to but from the USB before anything else but when it tries to boot off the USB it says Missing Operating System. These are HP systems as well. Any ideas as to why this wont work? Any help would be appreciated because I hate winblows and wanna use linux 
Did you use the SYSLINUX utility to make your thumbdrive bootable?
Personally, I wouldn't use either manual method.
Instead, I would simply burn a DSL livecd from the *.iso file and then boot up into DSL and then choose Apps -> Tools -> Install to pendrive -> USBHDD install
and let the install script do the work for you.
well thats what I ended up doing. it works now that I burned it that way.
original here.