myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: GPS Drive
I have managed to get GPSDrive to compile on Knoppix
Now I have to move it to DSL and find any missing pieces.
Wish me luck 
Good luck (I think you'll need it). I'm pleased to announce I got my USB GPS puck (Global Sat BU-303) working with DSL tonite.
Props to the DSL coders, forumheads and also the kernel backporters who seem to have gotten the driver for its builtin Prolific PL2303 serial-to-USB converter into 2.4.26.
Look forward to hearing more of your progress with GPSDrive...
As an FYI... I got TeletypeGPS to work under Wine with my GPS. I'm using a USB connected Holux GM-210 that I got off e-bay for about $42. It also uses the PL2303 chip.
original here.