myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: XFCE 4.2.2 package
Not sure. I think like Google I believe in long betas and perfection... it's usable and stable now though not perfect yet... the disclaimer serves the purpose of any disclaimer of course.
Install it and give it a shot... just keep your old .xinitrc around if you want to go back to flux.
anything new happening on this? ive been using it without a hitch on 1.4 for a bit now. WIll this go into the myDSL repository at some point?
It hasn't even been submitted for review yet.
Still lookig forward to playing with this.
I still need to test it on 1.5 and make sure all the kinks are out... then there is the question of installing... I've made it to work great with my post-install scripts...
I'm certainly no fan of wrappers, hence my post-install script in the first place. Not a single gtk2 app will start until start_gtk2 is run... it's silly to include start_gtk2 in the wrapper of _every_ gtk2 app (this isn't even done) when really it just needs to automatically be run after.
The post-install I'm really talking about is with XFCE4 to replace the xinitrc and back it up... maybe DSL's stance is that's a user job so under their policy and automatic install wouldn't be possible... and you have to copy the new file manually from /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc...
I'm a programmer, admin, systems guy, etc... the idea that I just submit my packages to ke4nt and they go into and come out of a black box however he likes them isn't very appealing. I'd rather know the exact criteria and submit them exactly myself... I have build scripts that build most of the packages for me starting with .debs and then customizing them for size, etc... I pride myself on the quality of the package... if it's not perfect I want to know so the next version will be, etc... (though I have submitted irssi and one other I think already)
Maybe they'll come out exactly the same, just when asking about it the answer I got seemed a little chilly and less than friendly (no offense ke4nt)...
So, anyone testing on 1.5 yet?
I mucked around with it in 1.4 for a while and no go (though I'm no linux expert).
It wouldn't load the xfce panel, with the only option being to try again. The problem seemed to be related to gtk2. I was using the full version of gtk2 in the repository - whcih should work just as well as the cut down version by the OP?
I would like to get it going as I can't stand one particular aspect of fluxbox (the windows list in the 'bar' that only displays minimised windows
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