myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Installing the Netzero Dialer

Yes! that makes it open. I'm in the same situation here with no modem, but I borrowed a NIC from IS to get the old computer at home set up with a Frugel install of DSL tonight, then I'll run this with the modem plugged in and see if I can configure the modem on the old IBM Aptiva E 245. I think it's a Rockwell, so the hardware should be good to go.:cool:
I'm guessing there is additional tweaking to be done. Netzero opens a browser so I'm guessing it would have to point to Firefox? I'm guessing it places ads in it? Not sure we're there yet, but getting closer. If I have time this evening, I'll attach a modem and see what happens.


I think Chris is right.  You'll at least need to change "-Dnz.browser=mozilla" to "-Dnz.browser=firefox", and if that doesn't work probably create a mozilla link to firefox.
./nzppp might need some work, and I have no idea what is in that directory.
-Dnz.FontName=Arial doesn't exist in DSL, so that may need to be changed too.

original here.