myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Can't Install MyDSL Applications!!
gcc1.dsl is a large extension and should only be installed to a frugal system if you have a large amount of RAM (128MB) and/or a swap partition or swapfile.
Otherwise, if you are limited in RAM you can do a regular HD install (instead of frugal install) and then gcc1.dsl should work fine because it will be saved to your hard drive instead of to your RAMdisk.
oh the command is dsl-hdinstall. thanks for your help guys! i appreciate it!! 
btw, one more question. i thought i might stick this here and not start a new thread.
Makefile:8: /lib/modules/2.4.26/build/.config: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/lib/modules/2.4.26/build/.config'. Stop.
i get this error when running the make command. do i have to link anything? when i go to /lib/modules/2.4.26, i see build, but its a file, not a directory it seems. how can i fix this error?
Hi there!
Just look a bit harder at that error message: ".config" is the file that's not been found! ;)
It would hold the build options of the running kernel.
Maybe you can copy it from /boot or if you installed kernel sources try running "make oldconfig" in /usr/src/linux-[kernel-version]
original here.