myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Can't backup icons
i created a small script that deletes all unwanted icons and writes the objects (home, harddisk and cd-drives shown with rox) dynamically to .xtdesktop. it works fast and is easily expandable.
I think we should have the option to have icons in the extensions.
I think that we should not have to worry about icon collisions. Extension icons overlaying existing desktop icons.
I think that we should be able to add/delete/change desktop icons and they should be able to be backed up.
This will be a forthcomming feature.
Thanks all, icons are winging their way in, as is a new theme.
Screenshot (resized):

roberts, RE: collision detection, I don't know what you guys have planned, but could a possible solution (probably extremely messy and longwinded) be a script that greps the current icon links for their position values, checks if the incoming icon's values are within x-amount range of any of those values, and alters the incoming icon's link until it's position is no longer infringing on any existing icon?
Yeah, I have no idea what I'm talking about. 
Nice looking theme. Bash & Grep would be way to slow and "messy" . I already have something working and it is fast and "clean".
very nice minimalistic theme, RoGuE_StreaK
just a touch of highlights and color...
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