myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Request for .ucis
I vote for Batman! :-)
Thanks to everyone for your advice! I am always amazed about the level of knowledge within this community. Really a great place for learning! I will try this out again, bearing your advices in mind. Thanks a lot everyone!!!
Oh, happy day!!!
I have finally managed to create my first .uci extension! This is great. I must admit that it wasn't the lout-package, which I tried to compile the other day, but rather the Norwegian translation of Openoffice 2 (the beta version), including extra fonts. The only problem was that I screwed up the menu entrance somewhat, forgetting that the initial name of the app (/opt/openoffice1.9.82) was different from the name I gave it (openoffice2). This caused the fluxbox menu to collapse actually, but the application worked like charm. I will only have to clean up the user.tar.gz as far as the menu entrance is concerned! This is great!
I am not really fond of endlessly following up on my own posts, but I cannot help it! So please bear with me 
I have now made a new openoffice2.uci (from the Norwegian translation of Openoffice2 - beta version), and now I managed to get the mydsl-menu entrance right also. So it works beautifully. Great! Only thing I don't get is that the first time I launch Writer (or any of the other OOo-apps) after I mounted the .uci it takes quite a while to start up. After that, they launch in less than 5 secs (on my office computer that is).
I have also made a successful softmaker.uci, containing textmaker and planmaker (plus a few additional fonts). I am not sure if I will submit any of these though, since the Norwegian version of OOo2 is only interesting to a couple of you, and textmaker/planmaker is commercial software, so I am probably not allowed to... But I would recommend you all to try them out! There are free versions available for evaluation, and they work fine. It is easy to create your own .dsl/.uci from them, and they work beautifully in DSL! Even on my old laptop with 56MB RAM textmaker starts almost before I have finished clicking the icon!!! Seriously!
I see that SAM (the Linux live cd) and also Puppy include free versions of textmaker (Puppy only through their so-called PupGet system) and planmaker. Perhaps DSL could get a similar deal with the Softmaker team?
Two things about OpenOffice that makes it take a while to start initially and less than 5 seconds afterwards --- disk buffers and the user settings folder.
Disk buffering is used by the operating system to kind-of predict what files you access from the hard disk or compressed image devices (like the uci) are used often. A copy of these will reside in the memory as long as the memory is free.
If you notice that the memory monitor has both a blue and gray (and sometimes red) indicator bar, the buffer is the gray bar. The memory represented by the gray bar includes the files in the ramdisk (including /opt, /var, and /home) and the disk buffers. Although the contents of the buffers can be displaced when the memory is needed, the contents of the ramdisk can't be removed as readily unless swap space is available and the files are not in use.
Once Openoffice is run for the first time, it will look for some files containing the user settings. If there is none, it will be created. The time consumed at this stage can be minimized by creating the user settings files and including them in the user.tar.gz. Refer to the Openoffice uci created by Roberts for example.
Reidar, just to know...
what laptop are you using Ooo2.uci ? it sounds like you're using Ooo on a 56Mega ram system and that sounds cool. Apart of the first start, which always takes time, does it work fine? do uci work fine on older laptop also for abiword and gimp? (as far as you may know)?
congrats for you learning're fast!

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