myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - May 2005

Thanks ke4nt1 and all those who submitted for all your hard work.
...and thank you adssse for your kind words,
and being an active part of the DSL community...


Adraker found a bug in my config file for wmdrawer, (firefox link)
so I fixed it, and added all the rest of the desktop icons to it...
Changed the dock_icon to monkeymind's lil' baby_tux,
and set it up to open on mouseover, so a single click will do ya'

Also made a .uci version, so you can install it, and uninstall it, at will..

You can easily edit the /home/dsl/.wmdrawerrc file with either version
to change the icons, or add more goodies and stuff to your drawer!

remember to add the .wmdrawerrc file to your backups..



Hey, that sounds like fun.....good idea!
As for that rotten adraker, he's never happy, is he?
Even when he gets free bugs to chew on......

Hey, that uci sounds like fun.....good idea!
As for that rotten adraker, he's never happy, is he?
Even when he gets free bugs to chew on......

Can't even do a single post!

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