myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: MyDSL and dpkg/apt?
If I were to build a custom DSL liveCD (for installation to a hard drive) would the Debian dpkg/apt tools add any MyDSL's I add to the CD to the package list so they could be upgraded (think apt-get upgrade)?
Thanks much,
No. They are completely unrelated. Apt has its system to keep track of what deb files are installed, but myDSL packages are just archives extracted into the tracking, no uninstall, no upgrade.
So if I wanted to be able to upgrade the packages, I should just enable apt and grab them off of the debian mirrors, as opposed to installing .deb's?
With either of those methods you'll be installing debs, and i think both methods have an upgrade option. I was just saying that Debian packages and myDSL packages are separate things, and myDSL packages can only be upgraded if someone builds a newer myDSL package. Even then you would only be installing one package over another (but only if both the new and old packages are built the same way) rather than upgrading your current myDSL package, and there is no tracking of what is installed through myDSL.
either way, installing debs or apt-get will track your installed packages.
mydsl does not do this, however.
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