This thread and the program can cause major problems for DSL...
I ask that a moderator erase this thread...if you want to share it do it in the shadows...(no offence) dont sell "crack" on my street corner bud!
Brian AwPhuchwhy awpunch do u have a military elicopter in the top of your pc, are u a stupid war man? We need 2 be brave sometimes also in informatics and not only in stupid wars that u americans are doing in the world. Sometimes piracy is necessary. It's one of the ways 2 destroy microsoft Appreciated. jls legalize,
I'm forced to agree with AwPhuch on this one. I'd *really* hate to see these forums shut down because the DSL maintainers had to deal with the legal ramifications of hosting links to "less than legal" software.
A better place to post this subject would be on Usenet under alt.binaries.warez.linux. Anyone who downloads warez would know enough to look for it there.