myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: mydsl.icons
I recently did HDD install of DSL 1.1 iso and went to the new MyDSL to get some proggys.
I have 2 seperate but possibly related problems:
1. I d/l'ed a few programs and click to install and keep getting an error that "var/tmp/mydsl.icons" No such file or directory. I try to manually create but then i lose all icons on desktop(even after restarting).
2. After downloading a program and installing The most recently installed proggy is the only one shown on the mydsl menu. Ie if i install (FOR EXAMPLE ONLY) quake2 then download mplayer when i download mplayer it erases quake2 MYDSL menu entry and replaces it with its own and nothing else..
I have tried running both as ROOT and an added user
I Really love DSL and want the progs you have for d/l.
I am befginner to intermediate linux user so i am not afraid of programming or digging into scripts.
HELP Please
Thanks Dan
mydsl extensions are built to be installed only by user dsl. Any other user, including root, will likely result in problems.
With a multi-user harddrive install you are much better off using apt-get/dpkg to install new software.
??so i need to be logged in as user dsl to install or use apt-get/dpkg...
That wil install programs for all users correct or do i need to modify shortcuts if i login as other user???
thank you
also would it be the best thing to just use dsl as my primary login...
Since you are using a full harddrive install, it doesn't really make a difference what user you choose, EXCEPT when it comes to myDSL extensions. The extensions are, as i said, built specifically for the user 'dsl'. Installing them as another user can result in installation failure, and even screw up some file ownerships. Installing a myDSL extension as user 'dsl' usually results in a program which can then be used by other users, although there will be no menu item or icon for that user.
Apt-get and dpkg use DEB packages, not myDSL packages. This means that they work the same as any other package manager....installation as root is usually required. You don't need to be logged in as root, however. Simply using the command "sudo dpkg -i <packagename>" will install with root power.
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