myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: 2000 POSTS !!

You're welcome.

A lot of the posts are just pointing others at information that has already been posted before, usually by someone else but somebody's gotta do it :)

One thing I have noticed is the posts-per-day is going up which means that the number of users are increasing.  Luckily, the number of people helping out are also going up.

IRC sounds like fun, but unfortunately I almost always have a limited amount of time that I can spend in front of the computer between the whole work 'n' family things.



yes cbagger deserves all that praise, and some more
but do we need an excuse of 2000 posts just to suck up?

ok mr. wet blanket, rainy day, fun messer upper....we all know quality over quantity is best, but in the case of cbagger its both.  Not only has the community benefitted greatly, but the DSL project itself has been improved because of his efforts.  Thanks cbagger.
Sad Act!
Let me take time out from my busy schedule
of kicking puppys and laughing at crippled children,
to say thankyou cbagger, I too have gained much
from your sharing of your very great knowledge
of all things linuxy.
Since I don't do many posts to which cbagger
replies directly, this is a good place to acknowledge
his work.

original here.