myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Local .DSL - Handling

I used DSL some time ago, just when the 'mydsl' stuff was getting underway.

Am keen to get back into DSL but need a little help on the mydsyl extensions.

I have just cruised around the forums (bear in mind a dial up connection in a 3rd world country!), a long process without much specific info on actually using the mydsl extensions.  Found this thread, with this comment:

Maybe a direct dillo link to a specific DSL documentation website page?

Sorry to ask, but can anyone help me find such a page?



I just did this about a week ago. Hope it helps.

Screenshot HowTo's

Hi there,

Sorry last post was a 'guest' by mistake.

Thanks for the link to the help file.  It has been a while since I had a go at DSL and (dare I say, its big brother Feather!) due to work constraints but am keen to get back up to speed.

Am currently in Pakistan and have an awful connection but will be back in the communications world in a week or so and will try out the "new" DSL.

Bye for now,


original here.