myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: DosBox.dsl problem
Yeah, the DosBox DSL extension isn't working for me. I've tried redownloading it, just to make sure...nothing...Anyway, what happens is, when i select it from my myDSL menu, my little load thing on my laptop flashes, and then nothing comes up. What am I doing wrong?
I don't know what you might be doing wrong, but here's something to try for any program that seems to quit before doing anything:
Open a terminal and type the command to load that program. This should print any error messages to the terminal so we can get an idea of what's happening. If you don't know the command, open up .fluxbox/menu and look for the dosbox menu command (should be near the top, after "MyDSL").
If it has something like "&>/dev/null" at the end of the command, this should be omitted when used in the terminal window.
Actually, I don't think DosBox should do anything - it just sits there ready to run configured dos applications, eg. some of the games that have been uploaded. Basically, it's there to run other applications, it doesn't actually do anything by itself. Think of it as a type of "dos compataility layer". It will just install itself into the right area of DSL, that's all it will do when you click on it in myDSL.
Download one of the games, check out the directory it installs to (probably in /opt somewhere), and you'll see a dosbox config file that tells DSL how to run the app using dosbox.
Fairly easy to then start bringing some of your own dos games and apps over to dosbox (though it doesn't work for some things). Just create a new dir under /opt, put the files in there, copy a dosbox config into there and edit it so that it points to the right files, tweak some settings, and it may work.
But you need to install the dosbox.dsl before you can attempt to run anything.
Actually, unless the extension has been changed since the one I downloaded, clicking the menu item brings up a window with the dos command prompt.
Fair enough, never tried it that way. So maybe there is a problem in this case...?
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