myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: gcc install problem

I want to install pureftpd and therefore i need gcc. I read in this form to download the gcc1.dsl package and install it. During this installation I get the following error: /var/tmp/mydsl.icons No such file or directory. I'm complety new with linux so I really don't know what to do. Can somebody help me out?
It should be installed fine, even though you got that message.

Try typing 'gcc'

I don't know what icons GCC package would install..

What DSL version are you running? I think the mydsl.icons file is a very recent addition.

Are you running as a user other than "dsl"?

perhaps it's because the gcc package has no icons in the .dsl package.
It may simply be a housekeeping message from the newer portion
of the icon management system that removes duplicates..


I'm running DLS 1.0 the GCC command is now recognized but still  can't install it becaus of an error in the Knoppix-package.
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