myDSL Extensions (deprecated) ::
what dsl packages do you have installed when mplayerplugin works? and what version of DSL are you using?
now it works, when i use reboot with the HD install of 1.0RC1... but in the webbrowser i get this message that appears everytime i try to play something "mismatch mozilla(GTK1), plug-in(GTK2)
double posting...
I'm not sure in WHICH post you want this reply,
as you made so many about the same subject.
We all see every new post, regardless of area,
so no need to post the same question in multiple areas.
The mplayerplugin is built to run in a gtk2 version of firefox.
The firefox that is in the base iso of DSL is a gtk1.2 version.
They are not compatible.
If you wish to use the mplayerplugin, you'l need to download
and install the firefox-1.0 version from the repository.
It is a gtk2 version of firefox. It is much fatter than the
gtk 1.2 version on the liveCD.
Read this thread to confirm..
I found this by searching the forums for "mplayer";st=5
original here.