myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: myDSL question
I just installed dsl-1.0.iso under VmWare. I chose e(nhanced)
install and have no idea what it means? Also, when I try to install
mydsl extensions using the icon on desktop, it always results in
error window: ' Extension not loaded. Downlad/Checksum error.'
For example, I tried to download iptables extension in System.
Only entry for iptabkles, I see is, which leads to cancel/download catalog (with /tmp as download dir), when
download is clicked, the data transfer starts and then the error
is displayed
It happenes on all other extensions too.
Any ideas?
I explored further. Looks like the problem occurs at md5sum ceck time, the exact message is:
md5sum: invalid option -- s
Also, I downloaded synaptic.dsl via ftp and installed it with
mydsl-load synaptic.dsl
installs fine but almost all config files /etc/apt/* and /var/lib/dpkg/* are missing
Any ideas?
original here.