myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: ke4nt,cbagger, ico2 how about some updates?

gtk2, compared to gtk1.2, is FAT.  Chunky.  Elephantine.
gtk2.dsl is in the gtk2 directory.  Look'll see it.

Trillian is a windows application.

Quote (mikshaw @ April 08 2005,20:44)
Trillian is a fat, ugly, awful windows application.

Fixed, for great truth.
I'm not sure of how to respond to your last post, Waterns..
No disrespect intended...

In your first post, you offered some negative comments about
DSL being 'outdated' and in need of some major upgrades,
and requested a newer version of airsnort..

You were replied to by several folks about both the location of a newer one,
and the reasons for having an 'older' version available.
You were also encouraged to participate in contributing to DSL
via a new, more recent extension of airsnort, if you wish..

Now, in your last post, your now requesting the location of gtk2.dsl.
It is in the gtk2 section of the repository, which I refered you to earlier.

My question to you is..
If you are so unfamiliar with our repository,
then how can you post statements like the content of your first post ?


Woooaaahh brothers slow down there before making comments like that. For one i found the gtk2 but what was confusing me was the fact that it listed it as GTK2/Pango/etc... I have looked through the repository quite well and i think i got a feel for it.

As for trillian well that is all based on personal preference. I like it you dont. I think it makes life easier. No hard feelings though.

original here.