myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Optional .DSLs on remastered ISO

It's been a while since I've done a remaster, but I just bought some 210MB CDRs...

DSL 1.0rc1

I created a new ISO using "Apps > Tools > Make myDSL CD remaster" with openoffice.uci in the master/ directory and the .DSLs shown above in master/optional/. The script worked "slick as a smelt", as they say back in Maine, and the newly-burned CD boots DSL with OpenOffice on the myDSL menu (but no desktop icons).

If I go to "myDSL > Install Optional Extensions", all of the DSLs appear on the install menu. If I select xbubble or xmahjongg, they load and appear on the top level of the myDSL menu (but with no desktop icons). If I load doom or gimp1_2, however, the apps are loaded but not added to the myDSL menu or the desktop, so I have to remember what directories they're in and launch them manually.

Any ideas why Doom and the GIMP aren't appearing in the myDSL menu after they've been installed? Also, should any or all of these add desktop icons (I thought they did when I did some remasters of DSL 0.8.x)?

I can always add them myself, but the idea is a remastered live CD to use "on the fly" on other PCs.

As always, many thanks.

I believe this was posted in Kent's monthly extension post.
There was a change to the specification to the menu entry for extensions for DSL v1.0+
Even the deb2dsl script was updated to reflect this change in specification.
For those extensions that are not showing on the menu, please re-download the latest ones rebuilt for 1.0 compliance.

Doh! Further proof that I'm blind. I did a search including ".dsl", "menu" and "icon" in the myDSL Extensions group and looked at both pages of the search results, but my eyes went past Kent's post. Double dang.

(For what it's worth, for every dumb question I post, there are several others I do find answers for here in the forums...)

original here.