myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: R myDSL effort - dependancy problem


1) I have no idea here.  I'll look into it, but right now I don't know why tcltk doesn't work.  Maybe I needed to compile with the tcl-dev and tk-dev packages as well.  it's missing the tkpager binary altogether.

2) Use whatever shell you want.  If the file name is too long, set the path or type:
      sudo ln -s /opt/R/bin/R /usr/bin/R

3) I didn't have your restart problem so I can't fix it.

Might simply need to add the symlinks from tcl8.4 to tcl
and wish8.4 to wish ..

I'm not sure why they aren't like that already..
Might be a debian thing..  editing the scripts also works..

Usually , the scripts want to see wish and tcl..


no, the problem was that I compiled R when I didn't have tcl8.3-dev and tk8.3-dev loaded.  Then when I did, the R program looked for them in the /usr/lib/tcl8.3 directory instead of the /lib/tcl8.3 directory.  I need to make a shell script to do

export TCL_LIBRARY=/lib/tcl8.3
/opt/R/bin/R -g tk

with the new compile and then everything is OK.  It loads in a tcltk window and runs help from separate windows.  There is a help entry box that doesn't work, but the rest looks OK.

original here.