Quote |
In summary, k4nt1 should be able to type at the R-prompt: library(KernSmooth) library(VR) library(boot) library(cluster) library(foreign) library(lattice) library(mgcv) library(nlme) library(rpart) library(survival) and if these R-libraries all load without errors, all is well with r-recommended. I just suspect they will have to be R INSTALLed first. |
Quote (clacker @ Mar. 27 2005,18:59) |
How did you load zlib? Did you use apt-get? I've found when a configure/make asks for a library, you need to apt-get the -dev version of that package so that you get the include files. In this case I guess that's zlib1g-dev. If you don't get the dev version, gcc can't use the *.h files to let the compiler know where things are in the libraries. Once the program has been compiled, in most cases those *-dev files are no longer needed. |