myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: R myDSL effort - dependancy problem

Thanks guys, this is superb. I can't wait to give the myDSL extension that results from all this hard work a whirl.

One of R 's great strengths is its huge range of add-on libraries of functions - I'm hoping that the myDSL being created will include those in r-recommended. I think the 'walk-through' above will make it possible for anyone to add any of the more obscure ones.

I guess I should have added a step between 1 and 2 of "ask the people who want the extension exactly what they want."  No Doofer, I didn't put in the r-recommended.  I see I would need to run tools/rsync-recommended before compiling to get them.  The tar.gz I submitted last night doesn't have this, but I'm pretty sure that the dsl I submitted the night before (made from the r-base debian package) does have them.

It's times like this you can be glad that you saved all of those *.deb files!

EDIT: I reloaded and recompiled.  I think r-recommended got loaded.  I also needed to get the rsync debian package.  It's only 500K bigger compressed.  I hope it's correct.

That's a good point for any developer! If r-recommended is in there now, you should be able to type
library (foreign)
at the R prompt without getting an error.

I typed library(foreign) at the prompt and got:

Code Sample
> library(foreign)
Error in library(foreign) : There is no package called 'foreign'

when I typed library() I got:

Code Sample
> library()

Packages in library '/opt/R/lib/R/library':

base                    The R Base Package
datasets                The R Datasets Package
grDevices               The R Graphics Devices and Support for Colours
                       and Fonts
graphics                The R Graphics Package
grid                    The Grid Graphics Package
methods                 Formal Methods and Classes
splines                 Regression Spline Functions and Classes
stats                   The R Stats Package
stats4                  Statistical functions using S4 classes
tcltk                   Tcl/Tk Interface
tools                   Tools for Package Development
utils                   The R Utils Package


I followed the same procedure as before only I also loaded the rsync deb file and ran tools/rsync-recommended just before I ran ./configure.  Is there anything else I can check?  Perhaps I needed to set some switch in the configure?  I'll keep trying.

One other thing, when submitting a dsl package, it's nice to tel ke4nt1 a little about it and how to run some things in it.  That way if it doesn't work on a different machine he can tell.  Better that than "yup, there's a command cursor, it must be running correctly!"  Is there an "acid test" for the R you want?  Particular things you really need?  I submitted something like this in with the email:

Code Sample
x = 1:20
y = 3*x^2
rr = c(1,2,3,3,3,5)

Ah - this is where my unfamiliarity with Debian may be a problem. It depends on what form the libraries are in r-recommended.
In a typical linux setup, you'd install R, and if there was an R package/library you needed, you'd dowload the package.tar.gz and, in xterm:
R INSTALL package.tar.gz
and it would install it (and compile where necessary - some of the libraries are just R syntax, so don't have any compilable code as such).
An alternative for a known distro would be to just slot the compiled library into the R lib directory.
So if it's got r-recommended in the extension, perhaps it's got eg. foreign_0.8-5.tar.gz in the path, so you in a terminal you type:
R INSTALL foreign_0.8-5.tar.gz
and it slots it into the right directories, then at the R prompt you type:
and no errors are reported...

(Maybe, for convenience, in r-recommended they've just called it foreign.tar.gz)

I'd be happy to give your extension a run-through, if only I knew whereabouts on the damnsmalllinux site it was... and/or how to access it from DSL.

I hope this helps.

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