myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Remove icon installed from mydsl extension

I installed the 1.0PR Firefox .dsl, and it creates an icon on the desktop. The original .9x Firefox is still installed, and it also has an icon on the desktop. I wanted to remove the 1.0PR icon and just use the original one (the graphic is better, some of the icon is transparent, instead of a blue border). I edited the firefox.lnk in .xtdesktop, changing the program that is called, and deleted the firefox-1.0PR.lnk and graphic.
However, as you can probably figure out, on a reboot restore DSL installs the .dsl applications listed in /cdrom and then restors the backup.tgz. And the firefox-1.0PR.lnk shows up again.

Is there a way to remove a file as part of the backup procedure - a kind of negation to filetool.lst? Such as being able to say:


Which would restore the links in .xtdesktop, but remove the file 'firefox-1.0PR.lnk' if it exists.

Is there a way to do this?

I'm not adverse to using a script that would run on system startup to remove the link, but I'm looking for something a little more elegant.

/opt/ is for commands to run at boottime, right after restore.  Put in something like "rm -f /home/dsl/.xtdesk/firefox-1.0PR.lnk".

You might instead rename your firefox ink file in your backups to firefox-1.0PR.lnk, which should overwrite the other one.

original here.