myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Run shell script on loading extension?

I'm new to making extension and couldn't find this info in search.

Is it possible to make an extension which runs a shell script each time its loaded (like some kind of post install script). If this isn't possible can I put it forward as an idea to the DSL developers.

The myDSL system currently isn't set up to run scripts, and i don't know if it ever will be.  If you want to include this feature you will need to edit the mydsl-install script.
Yes, it is possible.

The alsadebs.dsl extension does this.

You need to add a symlink to the appropriate rc.d folder that points to your script.  The standard linux boot process, ie runlevels / priorities apply.

If you want to take a peek, download the alsadebs.dsl extension to your home directory and rename it to alsadebs.tar.gz

Then untar / ungz it:

tar -zxvf alsadebs.tar.gz

and take a look at the file structure in the unarchived directory.

That isn't a post-install's a boot script.
When a new extension is loaded at boot time (is placed in the root directory of the boot device),

boot script = post-install script.

Just make sure that you place your boot / post-install script at the appropriate part of the bootup process.  If you place it after the mydsl-load process, then it will run after "installation", giving it the functionality of a post-install script.

You are correct in saying that mydsl-load doesn't run post-install scripts, but it is possible to accomplish the desired goal by being creative.

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