myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: K3B

I'm using DSL as a Live CD,and i want to burn some music. I want to install K3B,but it dont work (I have PII 333 192MB SD-RAM, and 765 MB HDD - 700hda1 for img & 65hda2 extra for swap).  What I must have for proper working?
Where I can it find?
Please mail me!

Sorry for my English & thanks

The big question is "what have you tried?"
As far as I know the current k3b DSL extension should work without any additional work, as long as it's run as root

Please don't ask for emailed answers to questions posted here.  There are likely other DSL users hoping for answers to the same questions, and finding the answers here is a much more convenient method for all concerned

original here.