myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - March 2005

hi there all this in regards to the limewire.dsl
    This is what i did to make it work i added /opt/jre1_5_0/bin
    to my PATH in /etc/profile
         have a great day

Thanks guys for the advice, I found another way around this.

in /opt/ I added the line:

Code Sample

ln -s /opt/jre1_5_0/bin/java /usr/local/bin/java

and this puts 'java' (via a symbolic link) in the default PATH.

I actually did try editing /etc/profile but was unable to, even as root. I think this has to do with the fact that I boot from the USB and do not have DSL installed on the hard drive. Or I'm just missing something obvious.

In any case, it looks like there is more than one way to skin this cat. Thanks again.

Hi again all
   i sent in revised version of limewire.dsl to include a path to java
   in mydsl menu sorry bout that shoulda done that in begining
        thanx for the imput all

That's why we have the "testing" phase :)

If there were never any bugs, what fun would that be?

original here.