myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - March 2005
I have evacuated the extensions previously in the testing area. Seeing little or no negative feedback, they are ready-to-fly...
The initial hold on extensions is now lifted, and I am making progress thru the backlog, after a stable 1.0RC1 release.. Send em' if ya got em' !
When building extensions using the deb2dsl script, please use cbagger01's latest version, from the repository.. It makes the extensions compliant with 1.0RC1, and he added some further cleanup to the script.. tnx cbagger01 ..
Apparently there will never be a WINE extension. Something about too many system changes, setups, permissions, etc. But apparently it's easy to just apt-get it and make your own.
The thing with extensions is that they are generic. WINE has too many non-generic settings to turn it into an extension, unless, I think, you knew that people were installing it in a very particular way, eg. straight after a boot to a non-edited ISO with no other extensions loaded, no other changes made, etc., etc.