myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Packaging extra dock apps for Fluxbox
This week, I've looked a bit further into extra apps for the Fluxbox "dock", and checked out a few sites which showcase them (e.g. the Dockapp Warehouse). In the process, I saw a couple of apps I'd like to add to my DSL pen drive system (starting with the binary clock WMBinClock and the CPU monitor WMFire).
Neither of the two apps above are in the MyDSL repository, and providing they would work in DSL I'd like to try setting them up. I'm not a programmer, but I've compiled a few programs for my Linux systems, so would be reassonably comfortable doing this.
However, I'm wondering about the following:
(1) Do these apps need compiling at all - i.e. are they already binaries?
(2) Are there any missing dependencies which would mean either or both the above apps not working/compiling?
(3) Would I need to compile the apps on one of my other Linux boxes and package the finished binaries for DSL, or can I compile them in DSL itself? (ISTR there's a compiler in the MyDSL repository, but I haven't tried it.)
(4) Is anyone else working on either or both of these apps already (or would like to)? 
Many thanks,
most dockapps probably don't require much beyond a compiler and X headers, but it would be easiest to compile them on a machine which already has development tools, if you have one available. Most of them will probably be built into a single binary which can be easily transferred to another machine.
I already have a wmfire binary. I haven't tried it in DSL, but I'd be surprised if it didn't work. I'll test it out next time i boot into DSL and let you know.
Another option is to see if there are debian packages available, which would already be compiled.
wmfire seems to work fine. It's three files. I've made an extension for it, but have yet to write up an info file. You might get it quicker trying a .deb file:
Thanks mikshaw - I'll see if I can convert the .deb package to a MyDSL one (following instructions elsewhere on the board
), and look for a .deb of the binary clock app while I'm at it. More later...
original here.