myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: dosbox humour

Hi all
     Just thought i would share my 3.11 venture in dosbox
      downloaded the dosbox.dsl from testing repository
      loaded the dosbox with a dosbox.conf with ems=false
      got 3.11 for workgroups off limewire and installed with dosbox
      used version 3 vga video and it loaded up np
      if ya wanna have a look at dosbox in action click the link :)
                 have the greatest day

"Remote Linking Forbidden"  --- well that's what your image hosting site says.Does your isp provide web space that you can place your image on and then link to it? I subscribe to an image hosting site that allows linking, "".
Link works fine for me?
It worked when I looked last week, but not now.

Ummm, so any screenshots of WinXP, running DSL in embedded, running dosbox... running win 3.1 :D

put a "?" at the end of the url.
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