myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Failed new dsl
I made a dsl of Zope - a web application server following instructions, put it in the root directory and booted up.
On bootup I get this error message soon after the new zope.dsl
write error: no space left on this device
tar: invalid tar magic
Can someone kindly explain what could be wrong so I can try again and avoid this error?
Looks like you are out of memory. How many dsl's do you have loading at boot compared to the amount of memory you have? Remember, the .dsl files are compressed and when you open them, they are bigger than the compressed file size.
I had only one other dsl loading - rox filer. However zope.dsl is quite a big dsl. Maybe I should make a uci out of it? Zope is all self contained in a single directory......
What does invalid tar magic mean?
It often means that your tar file is broken.
You might be trying to write something too LARGE to a directory like /etc (which will
produce the error you report). Such a directory isn't on /ramdisk and you've only got a
couple of Mb before you fill / (i.e. root). Check with df -k after your dsl fails to see if / is
If it is check /etc first for something big (use df -k) and see what it is your dsl is trying
to do. I've have similar trouble in the past with LaTex (where you hit the bonus problem
that the miniroot unfortunately still sets links to things which don't exist....../var/lib/texmf,
/var/lib/gnome, /var/lib/kde for example)
Try and `link' out of the problem (i.e. stick the offending item on /opt)
Best of luck.
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