myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: The bittorrent client.
Surely it can be done. DSL extensions are merely pre-compiled applications packaged together (tar + gzip) with any dependencies and stripped of docs and unnecessary extras.
you could try it out by doing something like this:
tar xzf filename.dsl -C /
You'll need to deal with menu items and icons on your own.
Keep in mind, though, that a Debian system typically has many more files than DSL...some of those files may get overwritten. The safest thing would be to extract the archives with the 'k' option to prevent overwriting:
tar -xzkf filename.dsl -C /
Additionally, your Debian system may be missing something which is present in this case the application may not work.
My belief, though, is that you are better off using apt instead. If there is something you like which is part of DSL only (it will almost always be a script) you could copy just that into your Debian system. The script may need to be edited to reflect any path differences.
original here.