myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: gpa doesnt find gpg.dsl
I customized DSL including the gnupg.dsl app and it worked just fine.
in a subsequent custom CD I included gpa.deb (the frontend GUI for gnupg) in the optional director.
when I tried to install gpa it using dpkg it says there is an error because gnupg is not installed.
if i try apt-get install gpa, it downloads gnupg woody and it works just fine.
anyone knows how can i make gpa work with the gnupg.dsl app?
When a dsl file gets made, it doesn't store the information for dpgk and apt-get that lets them know what new packages are added from the dsl file. The reason is that it would overwrite a dpkg file that could then be overwritten by the next dsl loaded.
You could try making a dsl of you own using the deb2dsl script for gpa & gnupg together. I only made one for gnupg because I thought people wanted it small.
thanks for the prompt reply,
the gnupg.dsl its really cool in itself and works great.
unfortunately I dont have the skills to make a .dsl extension myself.
if you ever make up your mind to make a .dsl app including a gnupg and a small front end I suggest you check out tkgpg which is very efficient and small and has a very useful "encrypt to clipboard" function which is absent in gpa
ok, this is what I did, neither brillant nor elegant but it gets the job done.
first I enabled apt-get
# apt-get install -d tkpgp
this download tkpgp and all the related packages into the /var/cache/apt/archives directory
# cp -r /var/cache/apt/archives /mnt/sda1/home
this copied the /archives directory into permanet home directory (in my case /mnt/sda1/home)
then I opened a text editor and created the bash "tk" script
cd /mnt/sda1//home/archives
dpkg -i gnupg_1.0.6-4woody3_i386.deb
dpkg -i tcl8.0_8.0.5-6_i386.deb
dpkg -i tk8.0_8.0.5-9_i386.deb
dpkg -i tkpgp_1.11.1.5-3_all_i386.deb
then all I need to do is enter tk at the prompt and then tkpgp and listo
the compressed files dont take much space in the USB flash unit and load very fast.
I might as well store them in the /optional directory of the DSL CD
off course a tkgpg.dsl or .ci files would be more neat.
original here.