myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Need help with FireFox

I hate this. I am having problems with installing FireFox...
I have the .dsl extention but cannot find the damn optional/ directory! I hate this... I want FireFox! ???

P.S. I ditched AOL for Verizon Online DSL with MSN 8 Prenium but it works effortlessly with DSL! AOL... not good on Linux. *_^
I have DSL 0.9.2 and I can just double-click "myDSL" on the desktop, and click the "Get It" button next to Firefox, and it just downloads and installs it.  But 0.9.2 also has firefox preinstalled...

If you want to put the .dsl extension on a pendrive or something, just make an optional/ directory and put it in...

I have 8.2 and am not planning to upgrade until maybe v11.
Uh... I am using 8.2 and don't plan on upgrading until version 11. :-p
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