myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Thanks for Gvim
Thanks Mikshaw for Gvim. It works well on my thinkpad with 09.2. Pathetic writer is useless, so I've switched to Gvim for input & editing and occasionally use OO writer for formatting when I need to deliver some writing. Vim (Gvim) is really terrific once you learn the commands and map the escape key to CapsLock or another easy to reach key. Much appreciated.
sweet! =o)
I'm actually considering a second vim extension. After putting this one together I realized that "vim full" is probably a bit too full for regular DSL use, so I've ripped out a lot of the bulk. What this will eventually be is vim plus syntax highlighting, indent files, and gui....maybe one or two other things, but at least those 3 additions.
I may have to check this out.
I <3 Scite, though. Just wish it had tabs (I'm so spoiled!)
original here.