myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Live CD with dsl extensions confusion
A cockpit error here, I am afraid.
I am running dsl 0.9.2. I am attempting to create a remastered live cd containing a few aps. The first ap I am attempting to add is rcfirewall.
I have downloaded rcfirewall.dsl and copied the file into the root directory of what becomes the new iso. I successfully created and burned the new iso to CD. I did not use the mkmydsl script (Forgot about it) in the process.
When I boot from the new cd, a message appears stating that the rcfirewall.dsl was found OK on the CD. However, after booting completes, apparently successfully, rcfirewall is nowhere to be found. It does not appear in the MyDsl menu. The file does not appear in /tmp or anywhere else that I can see. Simply seems to not be there.
I must be missing something basic here. Any suggestions are welcome.
You're not going to find a file. The extension should have been automatically installed, so you would have pieces of it in various parts of the system.
Are you sure it should have a menu item? Being a firewall it may just be a daemon started from console.
Thanks, mikshaw. I did finally decide that it was properly installed. What I did find is an executable, /usr/bin/start_firewall, which I can incorporate into a start-up script.
Extraordinarily cool is dsl. Onwards.
Thanks again.
Welcome to the Revolution!!!
original here.