myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Freeciv.dsl
Have made a freeciv dsl file. (based on Freeciv 1.12.0 & containing both server & client)
Activating the .dsl runs the freeciv-gtk gui client; the server is run in the usual way by opening a (non-root) terminal and typing 'civserver'.
Seems to work ok for me - anyone else like to test it??
btw, having problems getting the little tyke burnt onto a multisession cd - see thread here:;st=10
Any offers of help v gratefully accepted - this is driving me potty!
Yep. I posted in your other thread..
If you wish, after some feedback, to contribute to the DSL repository,
send your extension, along with a .info file, and an md5.txt, to
extensions [at] damnsmalllinux [dot] org.
examples of both .txt files can be found in the repository,
just pick one as a template to use..
note: use "md5sum freeciv.dsl > md5.txt" to get md5sum
Thanks again Keant, thanks ico2. Extension winging it way over now... Been fun & feels good to contribute!
Have fun,
original here.